Has anyone set up a GSuite catchall email address recently? Recently because apparently the settings have changed.I have a GSuite Legacy / Free plan. On this plan, there is still an option for catchall email addresses under Admin > Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > Advanced setting. However, trying to amend this throws an error ("We are unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later. (Error #1000)"). From what I have been able to find, this setting is being deprecated and replaced with the routing function (has already happened for paid plans).Over to the routing settings (Admin > Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > Default Routing).I found this post, which exactly matches the settings available to me, and have configured mine according to those settings. I've sent multiple test emails to rando@mydomain.com, but all have been bounced as undeliverable/user does not exist. I have been fiddling since, but my first effort at changes was a couple of days ago. I've spent some more time today endeavouring to sort this out, but all changes were at least a couple of hours ago.I've also endeavoured to follow the official Gmail support guide, but that doesn't actually seem to match the settings available to me. It does seem to reflect the settings in this blog post (but not the one in the previous para), so either it is for a different/paid plan, or something has changed before/since.The Google forums are absolute carnage, so posting here in the hope that someone knows.